Karl's Photo Gallery
 Karl with Dennis Miller after spending an hour with Dennis in-studio on October 26, 2009.
 Had the honor of opening for Lenny Clarke at Chuckles Comedy Club. My son Dominic came along as well. Lenny killed, naturally, and announced his new television series with Chelsey Handler. Nobody deserves a big-time hit more than this guy...he's been at it for 35 years. Congratulations, Lenny!
 With Hank Morse of WTKK, Greg Howell and Steve Sweeney at Chuckles Comedy Club in North Andover, MA My first time sharing the stage with the legendary Sween....
 With the great Johnny Pizzi at the famed Chuckles Comedy Club in North Andover, MA. A great club with a great history. More at www.chucklescomedyclub.com
 Karl with Danny Aiello, just before performing at 'Danny's Upstairs', the famed comedy room run by Danny, above the Tuta Pasta Restaurant in Hoboken, NJ, on Feb. 18, 2010
 Myself with Eddie Brill at The Orpheum Theater. Eddie, aside from being a brilliant comedian, is begining his 15th year as comedy booker for The Late Show with David Letterman.
 Myself with Richie Minervini who I met on the set of Here Comes the Boom, a new Kevin James movie filming in the Boston area. Richie and Kevin are old pals, and you may have seen Richie in Grown Ups, Mall Cop or King of Queens. A great comic as well and a real gentleman.

Myself with Frank Santorelli, also known as "Georgie the bartender" from The Sopranos. I opened for Frank in Brockton, MA . This guy just killed...smart, funny stuff. A seasoned entertainer, he had the other comics, including me, rolling on the floor.

On July 18th, 2009, I opened for Justin McKinney. Justin was the host at Grill93 in Andover, Mass. the very first time I did stand-up comedy, over 15 years ago. He immersed himself in it, moved to Los Angeles, then New York. He has appeared on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno twice and will have an hour-long special on Comedy Central this fall. His hour in Amherst on this night just crushed. A brilliant comic and a sweet guy, it was great to cross paths again.

Myself with the inimitable Clay Miles. I was lucky enough to open for Clay at The Comedy Vault in Boston on March 13th and 14th, 2010. Clay is hysterical, and an ex-Marine. Thanks for your service, Clay.
 Back on The Steve Katsos Show on March 30th, 2011 to benefit The Red Cross in Japan
 The main office at Sirius Studios in New York City...Howard Stern's place. I was invited to sit in with Jay Thomas on The Jay Thomas Show while Jay was in New York.
 Jay and Shuly on the air
 Playing piano on the air for Jay with the inimitable Ira the Weatherman playing bongo....
 With Ira, Jay and Shuly at Sirius Satellite Radio
 The view from the 37th floor at Sirius
 Dinner with friends. Joe and Rose Marino with daughter Janet, my family and dear friend Lt. Col. Kevin Johnston, wife Christy and new son Kaiden...
 Lt.Col. Kevin Johnston, on a brief vacation from his service in the United Kingdom, finishes yet another hour with me in-studio on Crosswinds. Always a pleasure to see him and have him in. A very bright guy, emblematic of the fine people who serve this country...
 The CBS building in New York City...calling my name...come closer...come closer...
 Westwood One Broadcasting....the real deal...
 Our airport community turns out in full to support www.honorflightnewengland.org An emotional evening with several World War II veterans attending, and a slide show from the most recent trip to the memorial in Washington, D.C., on September 20th 2009. For a nominal fee, you can sign up to "chaperone" a veteran on an upcoming trip. It's a day you won't forget.
 Karl with Joey Carroll at the Honor Flight New England benefit held at Boire Field(Nashua Airport), on October 2nd 2009. Joey has performed for our troops in Iraq over a dozen times since 1999. It was a pleasure to work with him, he brought down the house...or...the hangar, in this case
 Lenny Cushing, senior controller and ball-buster at the Nashua Airport control tower, life-long friend, and a key supporter/organizer for Honor Flight New England, listens to Joey Carroll setting the place on fire...
 Click for a larger image. A wide view of the crowd gathered in Washington, D.C. on September 12th, 2009. A few thousand? The major networks need a little practice in crowd estimation....
 Me and E D Hill of Fox and Friends at a Nashua GOP fundraiser held at the home of Jennifer & Bill Horn
 This one's going in my wallet...
 Myself with former NH Attorney General, and now candidate for U. S. Senate, Kelly Ayotte. Anyone who knows me, knows how much I think of Kelly and her tireless work on the new legislation which makes New Hampshire one of the toughest states in the country when it comes to child-protection laws. Needless to say, I will be supporting her campaign for Senate with everything I've got...
My question to Senator McCain at a Town Hall held in Rochester, NH gets picked up by Chris Mathews at MSNBC...

Myself with Dave Rattigan, Jimmy Dunn, Matt Donaher and an unidentified waitress at King's Court, Hudson, NH on August 22, 2009. It was an honor to share the stage with, and meet, Jimmy Dunn...

Picture of me forcing a written apology to Jim Braude from Bill O'Reilly. My one-time fling with Bill nearly caused my ostracism from Eagan & Braude and permanently damaged my "best friend" status with Jim.
I was honored to be among the invited guests as Governor Lynch announced the New Hampshire Child Protection Act, recognizing our efforts in gathering over 5,000 signatures in support of tougher child protection laws in New Hampshire. Governor Lynch and Attorney General Kelly Ayotte went on to enact further legislation to toughen laws regarding child pornography on the internet, making New Hampshire one of the toughest laws in the country when it comes to dealing with child predators. We should all be proud of their efforts.
Please click here to see the WMUR TV 9 program (it may take some time to get started. Be patient) Child Protection Law September 29, 2005
While attending a Broadcast Journalsim class at the Loeb School of Communications in Manchester, we were taken on a tour of WMUR TV9 studios during a newscast. A fascinating insight into the workings of a broadcast, nothing like what one would expect, and...look at me..I'm an anchorman...

On November 2nd, 2008, John McCain returned for one last visit to New Hampshire at the Peterborough Town Hall. What better place than the scene of "Our Town", for McCain to make one last nostalgic visit to New Hampshire. Two days later, he lost his bid for President to Barack Obama. Other than my late father, there is no man I admire and respect more than Senator John McCain, and having had the opportunity to volunteer for him, to meet him on several occasions, to ride the legendary Straight Talk Express and chat with him informally, has been one of the great honors of my life. I will cherish these memories always. On the stage behind John, I am sitting beside my oldest son, Brad, who also was witness to this emotional and memorable evening. Thank you, Senator McCain, for all you have done for this country you love so much.

Our Rally for McCain/Palin held on October 25th, 2008 on the Milford Town Common, known locally as "the oval".

On March 12th, 2009 I interviewed Governor John Lynch at the State House, just weeks into his third term. The popular Governor is making difficult choices as New Hampshire faces serious budget issues. As always, the Governor is affable, and on-point. He is smart, honest, and has been a leader on child-protection issues. We are in pretty good hands, in my estimation... 
Myself with Senator McCain at a staff meeting in Concord, NH in November of 2007. Just after this was taken, I assured John that he would win NH |
On June 1st, 2008, I was joined in the studio by Capt. Scott Quilty of Francestown, NH. |
Capt. Quilty suffered the loss of his right arm and leg, below the elbow and knee, respectively, while gallantly serving his country in Iraq. |
He is now involved with SurvivorsCorps, a non-profit organization based in Washinton, DC which is developing programs to reach out to other injured veterans to help them realign their lives. |
Scott currently lives in Maryland with his wife, also a veteran. |
On May 25th, 2008, Memorial Day weekend, I was joined in the studio by Maj. Kevin Johnston, just back from a year and a half in Iraq |
An 18 year Army veteran, and still serving, I was honored to have the time with him on such a special holiday. |
Another example of the amazing servicemen and women who give up so much for the rest of us. |
Campaign Trail NH-2008 |
Myself with Mort Kondracke & Fred Barnes at the Fox News Studio at St. Anselm College |
With former Governor Jane Swift at The Merrimack Restaurant in Manchester, NH |
Is that me with Katie Couric! |
Alan Colmes with actor James Denton |
Me & my kids with NH native Carl Cameron of Fox News |
The Victory speech with John McCain at The Crowne Plaza, Nashua, NH on January 8th |
A late-night reunion with Dan Rather at The Palace Theatre in Manchester, NH, almost January 9th! |
 Click Here to watch this video from ABCNews.com about this store On May 31st, 2011 myself and a friend flew to Elma, NY, just outside Buffalo, to meet Mark Andol, originator of the Made in America Store. A very, very interesting story and an idea that clearly resonates. His store has expanded three times in their first year. www.saveourcountryfirst.com for the full story.
At a staff meeting in Manchester on December 30th, Senator McCain signs a book for my mother. His patience seems infinite at these events. I was one in a long line for pictures, a handshake, an autograph...it goes on and on, he listens to each person intently.
....O.K., Senator, the next paragraph should read....
With Governor Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota who was with McCain during the campaign blitz and gave a very moving introduction to McCain at his stops. He can be seen in the "Courageous Service" video at www.mccain08.com.
On December 4th I had the distinct honor of being invited to ride the Straight Talk Express from a campaign stop in Milford, NH to McCain's next stop in Peterborough, NH. It was a great opportunity to have a few moments with the Senator, but more importantly, to watch in awe at the pace this guy maintains.
McCain sits in the back of the bus with reporters from the Washington Post, Wall Street Journal and NY Daily News. He is in constant motion on these trips, answering questions without limitations and giving thoughtful, relevant answers. It's amazing to watch, he doesn't tire.
As a joke, I yelled out 'Bomb!' just to get the attention of these other guys who were on the bus. They didn't talk much.
"Myself with Senator McCain, ready to hit the ground running in Peterborough, NH
After several visits to the studio over the last year, Jennifer Horn asked me, beginning on June 15th, to guest host with her regularly, every Friday from 11:00 -12:00 at WSMN 1590 AM in Nashua, NH. Jennifer is a long-time columnist for The Nashua Telegraph and recently began a daily show from 10:00 - 12:00 weekdays.
Local as well as national issues are discussed and you can call in at 603 883 9900 or go to jenniferhornonline.com and click on "listen live". Podcasts are also available. WSMN Radio has been a part of the landscape in the Nashua area since the 1950's and has an interesting history. I am happy to be a small part of that family.
A joyful reunion on April 25th in Manchester after John McCain announced his candidacy for President
Here I am with three of my favorite people: My son Adam, my mother, and my mentor, Senator John McCain
Myself with Dan Rather following our Fireside Political Chat
You can view the McCain interview filmed on April 25th, the day McCain announced his candidacy in Manchester and Portsmouth. with Dan and the Fireside chat by clicking here.
November 4th, 2006 96.9 All-Stars Event at John Hancock Hall in Boston
Here I am seen helping Chet Curtis stand after he succumbed to the pressures of moderating a debate which featured Jim Braude and Bill O'Reilly on the same stage.
Jim Braude, Margery Eagan, Karl from NH and wife, Diane, enjoy a group hug. Jim had been using his tie to swing from the rafters.
November 4th, 2006 96.9 All-Stars Event at John Hancock Hall in Boston
November 4th, 2006 96.9 All-Stars Event at John Hancock Hall in Boston
Bill O'Reilly and I try to initiate one of our famous "human pyramids". There was nobody willing to stand on Bill's shoulders. There was a line of people waiting to pile on me.