Karl's Member/Family Photo Gallery
 Dad & Adam, Mt. Washington, 1988

My mother, just turned 86, with Great Grandchildren Aidan and Liam, and my daughter Marlena. Fourth Easter without my father, but we all soldier on...

Daughter Marlena poses near the nose of "Witchcraft", one of a handful of WWII Warbirds making their annual stop at Nashua Airport. A tour inside these planes serves as a somber reminder of the courage of those young men.

The front office of a B-17. This one saw many missions, and the strikes are marked with small bombs painted on the nose of the airplane, along with the names, handpainted, of every crewman who served on the plane during the war.

Adam's Wedding - May 30th, 2009
Adam and Liam
Adam and brother Brad
Adam and Dad
Liam & Marlena
 Adam & Samantha
 Adam & Sam
 Marlena with Dad
 Adam, Liam, Marlena, Mitchell & Dad
 The Kids
 Dad & Marlena
 All of my kids in one picture, plus grandson and new daughter-in-law
 The bride with sisters and parents
 Second grandson, Aidan Charles Zahn, turned 1 on April 5th, 2011. At the park with "gamp"....

 With Capt. Andy, Sig and Jonathan after an Evening with the Captains on June 11th, 2011. These guys were a riot. Last of the true American cowboys on the Bering Sea...
 Son Adam with his wife, Samantha, meet the Captains. Adam looks like he's been working on the Time Bandit for years...
 Had dinner with my long lost cousin and head-writer, Rob Marino, his wife Sherry, daughter Paige and son Seth. Cousin Vinnie is barely visible behind Sherry. Rob left New England for Ft. Myers, Florida many years ago. It was great to get together.
Another loyal reader of my weekly columns ponders the depth of meaning in my powerful column on the book 'Touching History'. It is also possible that there simply wasn't a hydrant nearby... |
An after-dinner photo with Joe Marino and his wife, Rose, with me and my wife and kids. |
Another photo with Joe, Rose, and their daughter Janet Quilty, my wife and kids. Folks at the KFNH forum know Joe as 'Andy Looney'. The Marinos are family, as you can plainly see. |
My father, me, my sister Melody, and childhood best-friend John Rougeau on Tuckerman's Ravine headwall, Mt. Washington, circa 1969... |
Myself with John, sister Lorey and Siberian Husky 'Ringo" on the Tuckerman's headwall... |
My late, dear friend, Glenn Eldridge, founder of the now-gone Greenville Wildlife Park, specialized in large cats. This Siberian, named Thunder, I had known since he was born. He was about a year and a half old in these pictures and strong enough to lay me out had he wanted. The last time I saw Thunder, at Glenn's funeral service, he was 960 pounds. That's a hug I'll never forget. Glenn had his ashes scattered in Thunder's habitat. Knowing Glenn for years was a unique opportunity. He had few close friends, and I was one, and we had the opportunity to care for lion cubs, know many different cats as they grew up, and witness a man who truly dedicated his life to animals.